The priority and thrust area of the Institute is the synchronization of architecture with all allied fields of design as also mentioned in its vision statement. It firmly believes that an architect must be aware of and appreciate the design fundamentals and processes that go into the creation of different art forms.


In keeping with this ideology, the following initiatives are taken:


  1. Allied Design Studio

ADS provides an exploration of design principles in the first and second semester; product design in third semester and graphic design in the fourth semester.

ADS 2021-22

ADS 2022-23


  1. Workshops and Events

Numerous workshops and other events were organized to give students both within the campus and outside, a hands-on experience of various materials and techniques of design.


Allied Design Workshops 2021-22

Allied Design Workshops 2022-23


  1. Electives

Sculpture, painting, terracotta making, jewelry making and digital rendering were some of the electives conducted that focused on allied design this semester.


Electives 2021-22

Electives 2022-23


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