Addressing societal concerns by including those in core academics is what IDEAS believe in since its inception.
The image of the place is not just about its built form, but its people, culture, language, arts, and architecture. Establishing this cultural thread through Rural Design Studio (RDS) and Urban Design Studio (UDS), helps students to acquaint broader horizons in terms of understanding of regional and local influences.
The Urban Design Studio
In contrast to Architecture, which focuses on the design of individual buildings, urban design deals with the larger scale of groups of buildings, streets and public spaces, whole neighborhoods and districts, and entire cities, with the goal of making urban areas functional, attractive, and sustainable. Urban Design is the art of making places / Designing Public Realms. It is process of formulating a ‘Vision’ for a city.
With the above understanding about urban design at IDEAS, the Urban Design Studies aims to Sensitize the students with ,the shaping of cities with emphasis on Understanding and Analyzing a selected precinct.
Students are acquainted to know the process of reading a fabric and analyzing it’s various realms, in order to make the city vibrant and interactive for the residents.

The Rural Design Studies
Rural India has always been a sustainable system. It is not just architecture but a series of layer of design systems, culture, community, artifacts, technology which are interwoven to form a complete sustainable system. The RDS focuses on exposing participants to make them sensitive to the fact that Rural India is very rich in design and so is sustainable. This is responded through a core design assignment at second year level.

Green Design Studies
The course strives to explore the way environment and the elements such as water, earth, air, shape the built forms and the settlements. Additionally the study focuses on environmental impact of the habitation and current issues through observing and documenting the interaction of human civilizations with these natural elements in historical and current practices.
- Understanding the natural elements, water, earth, air and its interface with built form from past to present.
- Comparative analysis through historicity and documenting the causes of present environmental issues.
- Introduction to Green Design, four sphere of environment. Role of water, air, earth.
- Ecosystem, pollution, Effects of pollution on built structures and vice versa.
- Natural resources and green cycle in past. Present environmental issues.
- Live case studies and its understanding.
Landscape Design Studio
Landscape Design studies had a very unique approach towards process-oriented design. These triggerred clues through literature describing constitution and usage of open space and its creative process of developing abstract through derived key words, leading to a design proposal of open space for identified relevant city pockets. Various abandoned and underutilized sites like Medical Garden, Shantinagar, Futala lake front, Police Talao within Nagpur city were selected and studied thoroughly for assessment of present-day requirement to frame the proposal. Innovative landscape proposals for these areas like – healing garden, plazas, water fronts etc. were resulted. This project gave the students an altogether unique way to study & analyze spaces and anchor clues from text to arrive at solutions.
Vernacular Design Studies
Efforts and activities related to promotion of sustainable architecture are underway, and this can be reinforced with the knowledge of vernacular Architecture. The objective is to instill sensitivity toward the less explored field that is concerned with architectural building traditions/practices that are local, ecologically sensible and culturally relevant.
The study introduces grass root principles of indigenous and basic human needs. It covers variation in built forms and their environmental performances across different climatic and geographical regions of India.

Interior Design Studies
The course explores the art of internal space planning and designing. It teaches the students how to evolve a process of developing concepts through mental visualization and material selection and goes on to advance construction details, details of cost estimation and specifications. They also learn the technique of graphical communication through hand drawn illustrations and use of software.

Appropriate Technology
The objective of this course is to instill the knowledge of alternate thought process dealt with People, Place and Time. The course introduces various alternate materials and techniques evolved in traditional and modern times having environmental and cost concern with its concept and design criteria. These were evolved through situation analysis by traditions, individuals and agencies. This knowledge will help the students serve society by demanding more conscious efforts in conservation of energy through a wise choice in materials.
Along with the above understanding, students get a chance to interact with Experts who have dealt with the Techniques and have vast Experience in the field.

Man & Environment Relationship
This course aims at sensitizing students to a complex level of Architecture in which challenging sites with contours can be handled in order to design Architectural built environment in response to Surrounding Topography and conditions.