IDEAS intends to provide and promote a safe environment for all women and girls in the institution.
In pursuance of UGC (Prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions) Regulations, 2015 read with Sexual Harassment of women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) is constituted to provide protection against discrimination and sexual harassment of women and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment.

Members of the ICC
Sr.No. | Designation | Name | Position | E-Mail ID |
1. | Presiding Officer | Prof. Sonali Jattewar, Associate Professor | Chairperson | |
2. | faculty member | Prof. Radhika Deshpande, Assistant Professor | Member Member | |
3. | non-teaching member | Mrs. Anita Ingale, Administrative clerk | Member Member | |
4. | A member from NGO or a person familiar with sexual harassment issues | Ms. Meera Kadwe (Olawa NGO) | Member | Mob No. 09421787184 |
5. | Three Student nominees | Ms. Shreya Shrikhande Ms. Shreya Pandit Ms. Dnyaneshwari Shende | Member Member Member |
The Institute has collaborated with Olawa Mahila Bahuuudeshiy Seva Santha, a registered NGO working in Vidarbha with focus on women, education and health. Together their objectives are:
i) To enhance the self-esteem and self-confidence of girl students.
ii) To make them aware of the guidelines of Supreme court and to ensure that sexual harassment is treated as an unacceptable social behavior within the institution and the society.
iii) To develop leadership and professional qualities.
iv) To promote intellectual and cultural activities for overall personality development of female students.
Under this mutual understanding expert seminars and workshops are conducted to mentor students on topics of gender equality, women’s rights and empowerment.