The Institute of Design Education and Architectural Studies. Nagpur {IDEAS} understands its responsibility to protect the environment from the impact of its operations and activities. It endeavors to influence its members and the wider community to minimize their impact through its actions. teaching and research. The Institute is committed to meeting the requirements of all relevant environmental guidance and to continually improving its environmental performance.
Sr. No. | Category | Designation | Name |
1 | Presiding Officer | Chairperson | Prof. Ajay Thomare, Programme Coordinator (Environmental Architecture) |
2 | Faculty Members | Member Secretary Member | Prof. Rukhsana Badar (Associate Professor) Prof. Ankita Giripunje (Assistant Professor) |
3 | Students Nominees | Member | 1. Mr. Subhodh Awari 4. Mr. Siddharth Deshbharatar |
Since its inception IDEAS has been conscious about respecting the environment and conserving natural resources. The campus has been designed with a series of courtyards to provide enough light and ventilation to all spaces and the construction uses appropriate materials where possible to minimize the carbon footprint. The courtyards and surrounding areas are landscaped with preference of indigenous plants
When it comes to water and waste management the institute believes in reducing use and recycling. A DEWAT system has been constructed on site to handle sewage water from toilets and kitchen. The treated water is reused.
Bio-degradable waste from the canteen and falling leaves are recycled through process of Composting. Compost thus generated is used in the landscaped areas. A rainwater harvesting system has also been initiated to conserve water for reuse.
The campus is self-reliant when it comes to energy needs, generating surplus Solar Power.
An important part of the green initiatives is about spreading Awareness among all the members of the institute and inculcating good habits when it comes to reducing use and recycling.
A Green Audit had been carried out to determine the strengths and lacunas in achieving a green campus.

The Solar Decathlon India is a competition among postgraduate and undergraduate students from Indian institutions to empower the next generation to combat Climate Change in the buildings sector. It is conducted by the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) and the Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE) under the aegis of the Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF).
Team Ferb from IDEAS featured among the 6 finalists nation-wide in the Education Building Category.
The NADEP method of organic composting has been initiated on the campus using falling leaves from the landscaped areas. The Nadep method of making miracle compost was first invented by a farmer named N.D. Pandharipande (also popularly known as “Nadepkaka”) living in Maharashtra (India). The process basically involves placing select layers of different types of compostible materials in a simple, mud-sealed structure designed with brick and mud water. It delivers large amount of compost with minimum human effort. The first batch of compost was extracted and used on the campus.

In keeping with its initiative to make green purchases, the institute opted to use recycled sari bags to distribute books to the incoming batch of 2021-22. The colourful bags are produced by the Mahila Bachat Ghat, Nagpur.