IDEAS has zero tolerance policy for ragging. Any individual or group of individuals who indulge in an act or practice of ragging, constitutes gross indiscipline and such individual/ groups shall be dealt with as per the policy. This includes individual or collective acts or practices that involve physical assault or threat or use of physical force, which violate the status, dignity, and honour of any student.
The Anti-Ragging Committee is entrusted to keep the campus ragging free. It forms a Anti-Ragging Squad with equal representation of teaching, non teaching staff and students.

Members of Anti-Ragging Committee:
Sr.No. | Category | Designation | Name |
1. | Head of Department | Chairman | Prof. Milind Gujarkar |
2. | Administrative Officer | Member | Mr. Ravindra Atrey |
3. | Two Faculty Members nominated by Principal | Member | Prof. Rahul Deshpande Prof. Harshal Ganorkar |
4. | Non-teaching employee | Member | Mr. Raghuvendra Mishra Mr. Rakesh Bopinwar |
5. | Students’ representative | UG Member PG Member | Ms. Brahmanand Pawashe Ms. Bhavi Chandrakar Ms. Tanvi bajait Mr. Chinmay Burange |
Contact in case of emergency:
You can file your complaint by mail at [email protected]